This course, first published on 29 September 2021, is the property of Mr Neil Hunt. All Rights Reserved
Note, this is a non-accredited course.
Research and experience have taught the safety community that safety rules are essential but the reach a “glass ceiling” and to improve safety further a different approach is required. Modern thinking is that rules are limited by the fact that human nature circumvents rules and the fact that we live in a VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) means that rules can never address all circumstances. It is, therefore, necessary that workers are equipped (trained and educated) and empowered (trusted) to be able to make safety-related decisions in every job they do and that safety is accepted as a core value around which they build a healthy safety Culture (how we do things here). To achieve this we need managers and supervisors to go beyond managing by the rules to leading people to be more resilient.
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