(15 Ratings)

Mindfulness: Level 1

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This course, first published on 1 March 2021 is the property of Mr Ivo Visic. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This is a non-accredited course.

Mindfulness is :

  •  Paying attention on purpose
  •  In the present moment,
  •  With non-judgmental awareness
  • With curiosity, openness, kindness and  compassion


The MBSR program was initially designed by Jon Kabat-Zinn Ph.D as far back as 1979 and was composed of 8 weeks .It is a program that is in continual development in the Mindfulness based Stress Reduction clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. The primary intention of the MBSR curriculum is to create a structured pathway to increase wellbeing for people facing a host of challenges including the demands and stressors inherent in the everyday business of being human beings.

While this programme is a shorter, more didactic version of the 8 week course, you will still learn some valuable tools to be able to weather the stress of work and life and improve communication and productivity.

Embedded within the context of Mind-Body and Participatory Medicine, the MBSR curriculum focuses on the experiential cultivation of both “formal” and “informal” mindfulness practice as a means of familiarizing one self with awareness itself (mindfulness). The recognition of an innate, ever-present awareness is the foundation for the development of positive health behaviors, psychological and emotional resilience, and an overarching sense of wellbeing that can be effectively cultivated and relied upon across the adult life span.

Many physical, psychological and emotional health benefits of MBSR have been reported in scientific literature:

Participants have found the following benefits:

  • Increased awareness and concentration
  • Discovered new ways to cope more effectively with existing conditions, difficulties or pain
  • Learnt to take better care of themselves
  • Learnt about themselves in relation to others-thereby enhancing personal and professional relationships


In this program participants will also be introduced to the science behind mindfulness, and the exciting developments around its neurophysiology and the frontiers of mind-body medicine and its application to our work/life balance.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Learners enrolled for this course will gain the following:
  • An understanding of what mindfulness is and its applications in the workplace
  • Body scan, mindfulness of breathing, inner smile and mindful movement practices
  • How the mind and body interact to produce wellness and dis-ease
  • Informal practices of incorporating mindfulness into your daily life
  • The power of presence and being in the now, increasing flow states
  • A taster of further exploration into mindfulness and what it can offer

Course Content

Session 1: An Integral Approach To Wellness

  • Course navigation/orientation video
  • Welcome to a Taste of Mindfulness
  • What is Mindfulness?
  • Jon Kabat Zinn Explaining Mindfulness
  • Foundations of Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness In The Workplace
  • Three Minute Breathing Space (Practical)
  • What Does The Research Say?
  • Triangle of Awareness
  • How Body Scan Works
  • Body Scan and Body Dialoguing (Practical)
  • Taste of Mindfulness Quiz

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 15 Ratings
9 Ratings
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1 Rating
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3 months ago
Good new knowledge
I've learned that you need to listen to your body
5 months ago
The course is very helpfull in this difficult challenging situations of our world economy.
5 months ago
Good. It taught me to try and not always be so quick to respond, but to pause and think at times before I respond.

Also to learn to be more kind to myself and give myself more attention.
6 months ago
yes definitely
6 months ago
this course is very informative it teaches about the importance of mindfullness
6 months ago
I have the tendency to overthink everything. This course assisted me to park certain issues and to stop worrying about things I cannot control.
The breathing exercise is a great tool to use at night when I am tossing and turning in bed.
6 months ago
6 months ago
Excellent course.
6 months ago
6 months ago
never kew about this ....very interesting
7 months ago
Kind of like meditation to de stress but without the actual meditation - just be quiet and listen to your body and mind
7 months ago
very helpful.it will has taught me techniques of dealing with stress and pressure in the workplace.
12 months ago
very good
3 years ago
Enjoyed the course. Have made this a daily practice.

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